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Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason

Download As PDF : Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason

Download PDF  Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason

What is the worst thing that could happen to you?
For Mark Carpen, it is the death of his children at the hands of a drunk driver. In the tragic aftermath, he also loses his wife, his job, and everything else of value. Grief-stricken, Mark turns his back on society for a life wandering through the North Georgia woods.
That is, until he finds a strange watch in the middle of those woods. A very special watch. One that gives its wearer the power to travel through time at will, rectifying past wrongs and stopping tragedies before they happen.
Mark is determined to use the watch to save his kids, yet certain mysterious forces are poised to stand in his way — and a shadowy group of assassins has decided that Mark Carpen must die.

Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason

What happens when a man who literally loses everything finds a time-travel device? I must be honest, I was never into time-travel that much. I thought the topic irrelevant, since I personally believe it will never be achieved. However, I was intrigued when I read a small excerpt on Mark Carpen's plight in this book, so I picked it up to give it a try.

This first book is very fun in that it explores just what Mark does while he has his wristwatch time-machine. What would you do about money? Morals? People? History? There are so many questions that come from this, and I felt like Mason, the author, handles these very realistically in his universe. Paradoxes notwithstanding, the world here is very believable.

The characterization is where things did not jump out to me like I had hoped. Some dialogue felt forced or no realistic. I liked Mark, the main character, and I felt so sorry for his situation. However, by about halfway through the book, he made some small yet very unexpected decisions that really felt out of character for him. I had a hard time shaking these things after they happened.

Also, I had a nagging feeling that a handful of the places and problems Mark dealt with could have ended easily with very simply distracting someone by speaking to them idly. I know that sounds incredibly vague, but I really don't want to spoil anything. What I mean is I think Mark over complicated many of the situations that occurred in this book surrounding his time-travels. By the end of the book, I didn't have that "oomph" I did to keep reading like in the first half of the book. However, I did grab the second one for my Kindle, so I will be reading it for sure.

On a good note, though the author handled the topic of time-travel in a very logical and scientific fashion, I appreciate that the book remains down-to-earth and admits there are some things that are just out of our control.

In conclusion, I think some parts of the writing and storytelling aren't what really pull me into a book. The writing here is great, as other reviews show. It's just I'm not sure this is my preferred style. In any case, for the price you should read this book if you're interested. I did grab the second book, Chase, afterall.

Product details

  • File Size 841 KB
  • Print Length 324 pages
  • Publisher Dogwood Publishing (November 17, 2011)
  • Publication Date November 17, 2011
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0069T95NE

Read  Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason

Tags : Shift (ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1) - Kindle edition by Zack Mason. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Shift (ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1).,ebook,Zack Mason,Shift (ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1),Dogwood Publishing,FICTION Science Fiction Adventure,FICTION Thrillers
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Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason Reviews

This book is good for drama, action, and a bit of sci-fi (I am not a sci-fi fan, though it does teeter the edge, but not overwhelmingly so).

I can't wait to read the second book. So many people do the 'what if' with the idea of a time-travel device, and many of my own personal goals (given that situation) are presented in the book.

Lots of tragedy, heartbreak, and a bit of fun! This book will not disappoint.
Shift is a somewhat different time travel story. There is a human element to it that is, at times, heartbreaking.

The main character finds a watch in the woods that turns out to be a time machine. He uses it to amass great wealth but the one thing he can't do is to go back in time to save his children from being killed in a drunk driving accident.

There is plenty of action and intrigue but at times the story bogs down in minutiae that really doesn't add to the tale.
When this book came up on the list of free books, I grabbed it because the premise spoke to me by reminding me of the tragic situation experienced by a friend. If the events of a single moment destroyed your life, and you had the chance to go back in time to change that moment, would it work? Would you be able to do it? And if for some reason that attempt didn't work, then what else would you choose to do with that ability?

While the plot did not go in the direction I expected, and the relatively late appearance of a villain with poorly developed motivation felt forced, I definitely enjoyed reading this and would consider reading more of this author's work.
This was one of those low price books I didn't have really high expectations for,but wow, were my expectations exceeded! One of the most absorbing books I've read in a long time. When I got to 90% and things were really heating up, I began to realize this was not just a single book. Luckily, the rest of the trilogy is now available and I've purchased them both. If you like mystery-historical-scifi fiction, you will love this series! For under $15, you get the whole trilogy, what's not to love about that? It's amazing the little gems you can find in the low-price lists, thanks and authors for getting us "hooked"!
I breezed through this trilogy from Zack Mason at the speed of light. My only complaint was that there was not another installment waiting for me at the end. I realize that all stories must come to an end but as this is basically a book about time traveling, I was hoping that there was a way to continue. The story itself is intriguing and very exciting, with great well-developed characters. The author captures the essence of each time period in a very authentic manner, addressing difficulties of a person moving through time. The main characters encounter the barriers of language, native dress and customs in a pretty realistic manner. It was a refreshing and unique story and so much fun! This is a gem that I will definitely read again & again. I still want another installment!!
So I knew this was book one in a trilogy, but I didn't think it was going to end on a cliffhanger the way it did. Now I have to read the next one to see what happens. I really enjoyed this book, though the beginning started off a little slow. But once it got going, I couldn't put it down. The idea of time travel has always fascinated me and the fact that the ability was captured in such a small and simple device as a watch was amazing. I don't know if that's even possible, but it's a great idea. All of the people they were able to save, the outcomes and futures they changed, that was the best part of the story for me. Being able to turn a negative into a positive, that's powerful stuff. However, there were certain things that just couldn't be changed and that's where fate came in. It just goes to show that even someone who can travel through time us not all powerful, even some things are out of your hands. I'm looking forward to finishing the trilogy!
What happens when a man who literally loses everything finds a time-travel device? I must be honest, I was never into time-travel that much. I thought the topic irrelevant, since I personally believe it will never be achieved. However, I was intrigued when I read a small excerpt on Mark Carpen's plight in this book, so I picked it up to give it a try.

This first book is very fun in that it explores just what Mark does while he has his wristwatch time-machine. What would you do about money? Morals? People? History? There are so many questions that come from this, and I felt like Mason, the author, handles these very realistically in his universe. Paradoxes notwithstanding, the world here is very believable.

The characterization is where things did not jump out to me like I had hoped. Some dialogue felt forced or no realistic. I liked Mark, the main character, and I felt so sorry for his situation. However, by about halfway through the book, he made some small yet very unexpected decisions that really felt out of character for him. I had a hard time shaking these things after they happened.

Also, I had a nagging feeling that a handful of the places and problems Mark dealt with could have ended easily with very simply distracting someone by speaking to them idly. I know that sounds incredibly vague, but I really don't want to spoil anything. What I mean is I think Mark over complicated many of the situations that occurred in this book surrounding his time-travels. By the end of the book, I didn't have that "oomph" I did to keep reading like in the first half of the book. However, I did grab the second one for my , so I will be reading it for sure.

On a good note, though the author handled the topic of time-travel in a very logical and scientific fashion, I appreciate that the book remains down-to-earth and admits there are some things that are just out of our control.

In conclusion, I think some parts of the writing and storytelling aren't what really pull me into a book. The writing here is great, as other reviews show. It's just I'm not sure this is my preferred style. In any case, for the price you should read this book if you're interested. I did grab the second book, Chase, afterall.
Ebook PDF  Shift ChronoShift Trilogy Book 1 eBook Zack Mason

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